22H West Route 313, Perkasie, PA 18944

Middle School Retreat Info

Thank you for signing up for the Middle School Fall Retreat!

Please read the following important info and print all required forms. These forms will be handed in when you arrive for the event.

Please complete ALL steps below to make sure your child has everything they need for the trip.

Medical Treatment Authorization for a Minor (Print and Sign)

View/Print Form

Guest Consent Release

Please print out the consent form, fill it out and bring it with you upon dropping off your child.
This is the packing list provided by the camp. Please review and pack accordingly
If your child has any dietary restrictions, please use the button below to notify the camp. 

Health & Safety Guidelines and COVID Testing Instructions

Please review the health and safety guidelines provided by the camp. In order to attend the camp, proof of vaccination or a negative COVID test within three days of arriving at camp is required. Please see the attached instructions for scheduling a rapid travel COVID test with CVS pharmacy. The results are provided the same day. Note: Due to the test needing to be a maximum of three days before camp, it should be scheduled on October 19th, 20th or 21st. CVS pharmacy only schedules 13 days in advance. If you are reading this before October 6th, then you will have to wait until then to schedule your appointment for the 19th. You can download the instructions to use for later or return to this page at a later date to retrieve the instructions. Please bring either proof of vaccination or proof of a negative test result with you when you drop off your child.

The camp does require masks while in buildings except for while eating. The policy for masks while outside is left up to the leader. Living Hope will not require the students to wear masks outside or while in their individually assigned rooms. For all other spaces, we will abide by the camp’s rules. For the ride to and from Lake Champion, masks will not be required.

If you have any questions regarding any of these instructions or the health and safety guidelines, please feel free to email [email protected]


Please follow ALL of the following directions exactly to ensure your payment is submitted to the correct ministry.

Log into Subsplash or create an account

Enter "$125" in the blank dollar section

Under the "Fund" dropdown menu: Select "Click here to Donate to Special Designation"

Under the Sub-Fund dropdown menu: Select "Middle School Retreat $125.00 per person"

In the "notes" section type the student's FULL name

You should receive a confirmation email. Keep this for your records.

Return to this page when you are finished.

Please click the following link to make the payment: Subsplash

Our brand-new parent app that directly connects you as a parent to Hope Students. Gain information and access to Curriculum, Events, Devotions and more! All on one convenient app! For FREE! With the app’s notification function, you will receive a notification with all the updates for when we arrive at Lake Champion and when we expect to be back at church. Stay informed without having to check multiple platforms.
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